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It is estimated that approximately 25% of the population of Greece has some kind of tattoo. 50% of them – for different reasons – want to have their tattoo removed using laser. There is good news for anyone who has an unwanted tattoo. Newer laser tattoo removal techniques can eliminate your tattoos with minimal side effects.

In our clinic you will find the most advanced and effective laser HARMONY XL PRO by ALMA LAZER with 65 certifications from the FDA of America. Although the procedure can eliminate unwanted tattoos, it is time consuming.

How many sessions are needed?

Most tattoos require about 5-12 sessions, which last from 10 – 30 minutes. Each session should be about a month apart from the next, which means that the total removal of the tattoo can take from 6 months to a year. Usually before undergoing the removal, a skin test is performed to avoid an allergic reaction.

What should I expect after removal?

Gradually, a scab will form, which the patient should not touch to avoid scarring. Usually, scars do not appear nor does the skin discolor, as many believe.

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