It involves the deep exfoliation of the skin of both the face and the body, with the use of special microcrystals.
It is one of the most popular treatments for both women and men, with immediate results and minimal recovery time.
It involves the deep exfoliation of the skin of both the face and the body, with the use of special microcrystals.
It is one of the most popular treatments for both women and men, with immediate results and minimal recovery time.
Prior to dermabrasion with microcrystals the face or the area of the body where the treatment is to be performed undergoes a very thorough cleansing.
The area is wiped very well and then a kind of mechanical peeling follows with the help of the special eco peel device.
This peeling is based on the use of sterile microcrystals of aluminum or corundum on the upper layers of the skin in order to remove its dead cells.
This removes the surface layers of the skin as well as dirt and sebum without a trace of injury.
This is followed by the application of a special recovery mask depending on the case.
Immediately after microcrystalline dermabrasion, the skin might suffer mild irritation that subsides within a few hours.
The skin is soft and radiant without a trace of sebum while the pores of the skin, especially after repeated sessions, close completely.
One’s skin might peel for 2-3 days which is normal, but you should in no case intervene or peel your skin yourself.
Microcrystalline dermabrasion is a special and unique procedure for each patient.
The treatment applied is individualized and determined by the doctor himself.
It is a simple, painless treatment lasting 45 minutes and the patient can return to work immediately after without any problems.
The number of sessions required depends on the case.
Just one session is enough for an instantly radiant, relaxed and dirt and sebum free skin.
However, to maintain the skin youthful and fresh, without fine wrinkles, oiliness, pores and seborrhea, especially in people with acne, 4-6 sessions of treatment are necessary every 3-4 weeks.